March 3, 2021
Risk Assessment. A game the whole family can play!
Eddie Raymond and Jonathan Deull will join us to discuss the processes for identifying and managing risk in the live event environment.
12:18:21 From Bill Sapsis (he/him) : lifting a chain hoist out of a road case
12:19:04 From Craig Lewis : Can you explain what an “ergonomic problem” is exactly?
12:20:21 From Simon Fraulo : or sitting at a production desk for too long
12:20:30 From Barbara Pinnow : posture
12:21:09 From Eric Rouse : Counterweight!
12:21:14 From David Pocock (he/him) : could someone put up the link to the OSHA powere point on Ergonomic hazards?
12:21:54 From Bill Sapsis (he/him) : I don’t have sarah today. I’ll look for it but I need to pay attention to the chat too.
12:22:12 From David Pocock (he/him) : THank you
12:23:15 From Dave Glowacki :
12:23:28 From Dan Klein :
12:23:47 From Bill Sapsis (he/him) :
12:24:04 From Bill Sapsis (he/him) : so there two. I did NOT get a chance to look at either.
12:26:20 From Barbara Pinnow : they are currently full
12:26:35 From Michael Powers : is it possible to show the last two slides again?
12:30:13 From Bill Sapsis (he/him) : Look at all the hard hats!
12:31:31 From Rogier Guns : Is there a risk assessment (powerpoint) template you would recommend?
12:31:44 From Eric Rouse : Nothing better than toilet humor. LOL
12:32:05 From Bill Sapsis (he/him) : I believe that’s where heading, Rogier. I’ll check in a minute.
12:34:48 From Michael Powers : A frame on a rolling 4x8, geni’s without outriggers, pulling yourself along from the basket. been there- done that!
12:35:21 From Camille Petrillo : I can't tell you the number of horrible chemicals I was exposed to without proper protection because I was never trained on the risks / employers did not identify and provide PPE
12:36:01 From Barbara Pinnow : monocoat, and hydraulic fluid come to mind Camille
12:36:21 From Bill Sapsis (he/him) : If you know Monona Rossol, she’s been working for years on dealing with toxicity in the theatre
12:36:39 From Camille Petrillo : carving Styrofoam with a hot bow
12:36:56 From Bill Sapsis (he/him) : Yes. That’s really awful.
12:37:28 From Camille Petrillo : does Monona Rossol have an organization she works with/through?
12:37:38 From Michael Powers : when I started in this business we didn't know bare hands in acetone for hours or fumes from heat sculpting styro foam were bad!
12:37:51 From Bill Sapsis (he/him) : ACTS
12:38:53 From Camille Petrillo : Michael, there are so many venues that still don't know it is bad
12:42:22 From Joel Schulman : Where did the sample fish assessment table come from?
12:42:57 From Joel Schulman : *risk
12:43:09 From Philip Ho : You can download 5x5 risk matrix online
12:43:27 From Philip Ho : excel or any format
12:43:49 From Craig Gamble : is used internationally
12:44:22 From Barbara Pinnow :
12:44:35 From Bill Sapsis (he/him) : Thanks, Barbara
12:44:44 From Barbara Pinnow : there are several options depending on the platform you use
12:45:25 From Joel Schulman : thanks
12:46:52 From Barbara Pinnow : is it possible to get a copy of the slideshow after the meeting?
12:47:24 From Bill Sapsis (he/him) : The session is being recorded and will be available on the SRI/Uncle Bill’s website on Friday
12:47:38 From Barbara Pinnow : ok
12:47:51 From Bill Sapsis (he/him) :
12:53:50 From Camille Petrillo : Do you recommend that fall protection training and rescue training always go hand in hand? For example, if you have a rescue team in place and on the work call, should all people who are using the fall protection system be trained in rescue as well?
12:55:22 From Barbara Pinnow : does that a situation where competent and qualified is factored in?
12:55:42 From Bill Sapsis (he/him) : not sure what you mean…..
12:57:44 From Scott England : On the last large show I was head rigger on, we had several of the LX crew that were rope access certified techs, including Lvl-2’s, so they were trained and adept at climbing _and_ rescue. In many/most large resident shows that’s becoming standard.
12:59:09 From Kristi Ross-Clausen : How can you rehearse in a venue where the workers change frequently? Our arena riggers are pulled from a pool of about 20 people - if a random 10 are present, how do we let people know what to do?
12:59:18 From Michael Powers : if you're the one dangling in your harness, 23 minutes = eternity!
12:59:20 From Camille Petrillo : I need to duck out, I will catch the rest in the recording. Thank you for the information!
12:59:41 From Bill Sapsis (he/him) : see ya
13:01:49 From Brian Phillips : Do you have any suggestions for getting buy-in from management without being perceived as confrontational?
13:02:07 From Bill Sapsis (he/him) : Brian. Hold that thought for a minute
13:03:57 From Eric Rouse : Is the assumption that the other 20% have had at least non-venue specific training?
13:04:58 From Kristi Ross-Clausen : ok
13:06:07 From Joel Schulman : As some unions are doing training do employers accept that as being training? As management might not be aware do unions or other people reach out the employers besides the employees who are more aware
13:06:20 From Gordon Peck : you can also have different levels of re-training. every call we check the gear and perform some tests on the rescue gear that rehearse specific skills — example — putting the beaner in the pickoff pole.
13:07:03 From Michael Powers : ?
13:07:17 From Michael Powers : pickoff pole?
13:07:41 From Bill Sapsis (he/him) : Michael. It’s a rescue device.
13:08:02 From Gordon Peck : reach pole to get a rope hooked to the rigger that is hanging
13:08:31 From Michael Powers : got it, thanks!
13:08:52 From Kristi Ross-Clausen : The employer can accept and verify training provided by the IA local just as it could choose to accept and verify training by the technical college, for example. Employer needs to assess on their site - yes!
13:10:04 From Philip Ho : Hmmm so how do we handle this “training” when the payroll company and the production company are separate. I believe by definition the payroll company is the employer. The production company just carries a large coi.
13:12:16 From Bill Sapsis (he/him) : Qualified Person
A person who, by possession of a recognized degree or certificate of professional standing, or who, by extensive knowledge, training and experience has successfully demonstrated the ability to solve or resolve problems relating to the subject matter.
13:12:22 From Bill Sapsis (he/him) : Competent Person
A person who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the workplace and who is authorized to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.
13:12:52 From Gordon Peck : ..explain to the building that they will be always be named in the lawsuit as they own the most assets. Then make them work with the employer
13:13:13 From Joel Schulman : Philip That is where I get confused as well. Definition of employer
13:13:26 From David Pocock (he/him) : If it's not written down, it didn't happen.
13:15:02 From Bill Sapsis (he/him) : OSHA definition of employer is the person/entity who has “control” of the employee. It is never the payroll company.
13:15:39 From Craig Gamble :
13:18:01 From Joel Schulman : Are there resources for risk assessment templates to use?
13:18:05 From Eric Rouse : That makes it very clear, Eddie. Thank you.
13:18:06 From David Pocock (he/him) : In Canada too.
13:19:49 From Bill Sapsis (he/him) : I googled risk assessment template and got this…About 742,000,000 results (0.65 seconds)
13:19:52 From Tom Pidgeon : for Ontario Canada see Live Performance Guidelines ministry of Labour
13:20:18 From David Pocock (he/him) : Canadian Military risk assessment is available though the Government web site.
13:20:55 From Philip Ho : The standard is MIL-STD-882E
13:21:32 From Philip Ho : Department of defense standard practice /system safety
13:23:04 From Barbara Pinnow : MOtley Crue'
13:23:05 From Eric Rouse : motley crue
13:23:08 From David Pocock (he/him) : Metalica
13:23:45 From David Pocock (he/him) : It was Motley Crews platform that got jamed up on tape
13:24:10 From Eric Rouse :
13:24:25 From Bill Sapsis (he/him) : Thanks eric
13:24:31 From David Pocock (he/him) : THAT one
13:24:48 From Eric Rouse : minute 2:50 is where it starts to get fun
13:27:29 From David Pocock (he/him) : Debrief is ALWAYS a useful tool.
13:27:57 From Eric Rouse : I think it's important to point out that while on-site training is the gold standard, that training in the subject, even if it is offsite, is still better than no training. Use something like a toolbox talk to bring everyone up to speed as best you can. We have to face the realities of our jobsites sometimes, and face those realities responsibly.
13:28:26 From Bill Sapsis (he/him) : Agreed
13:29:44 From Tim O'Donnell : Coincidently, I was thinking about this Tommy Lee mishap while I was driving to work yesteray
13:29:52 From Scott England : Making all parties aware of changes in show flow is pretty critical.
13:29:57 From David Pocock (he/him) : communicating where you will be during a show helps everyone.
13:32:52 From Jonathan Deull :
13:32:59 From Barbara Pinnow : what recommendations would you have for when you get push back from higher ups when bringing up concerns?
13:33:27 From Davin Pickell : Thank you, sirs.
13:36:46 From David Pocock (he/him) : Heard a lot from D. Loomis about this
13:39:20 From Philip Ho : Eddie, Bill, Johnathon thank youI have a production meeting with the opera to jump into Cheers Phil
13:40:52 From Eric Rouse : Good session. Thanks, folks!
13:41:10 From Brian Marten (he/him) : proactive vs reactive
13:41:29 From Craig Lewis : Great class, thanks!
13:41:33 From Dave Glowacki : Thanks to all for another great conversation!
13:41:46 From Michael Powers : again, a great session!
13:42:01 From Scott England : Thanks all!
13:42:12 From Dennis Booth (he/him) - UNCSA : I think it was Sully who said "In an emergency, you need to manage the aircraft, or it will manage you."
13:42:20 From Jim Hathy : great class, thanks!
13:42:22 From Kristi Ross-Clausen : Thanks!! Well done1
13:42:28 From Matthew Reynolds : Thanks everyone 🙂
13:42:37 From Tiger stanley : Thanks everyone
13:42:40 From Dennis Booth (he/him) - UNCSA : Thanks, everyone.
13:42:40 From Craig Gamble : Thank you all, stay safe.
13:42:46 From Dan Klein : Thanks all!
13:42:53 From Tim O'Donnell : Good day friends
13:43:02 From David Pocock (he/him) : Eddie, Johnathan...THANK YOU!!
13:43:04 From Brian Marten (he/him) : :) bye...
13:43:05 From Pamela Hybridge : thanks Bill
13:43:08 From Pamela Hybridge : awesome 👌
13:43:16 From Barbara Pinnow : Thank you!
13:43:17 From Benjamin Elmore : Thanks Everybody Great Webinar
13:43:23 From Dan Klein : See you all next week!
13:43:42 From Simon Fraulo : Thank you very interesting and good Europe and the US are aligned. |