Sapsis Rigging, Inc. has the experience to identify and respond to all of your safety needs, including Fall Arrest systems
Through training, inspections, installations and sales we have provided turnkey systems for:
- Theaters (professional, amateur and academic)
- Sports and Civic Arenas
- Convention Centers
- Hotels
- Houses of Worship
- Outdoor Performance Spaces
- Nontraditional Performance Spaces
- Industrial and Construction Sites
If you have an existing structure we will:
- Inspect the facility and identify all areas where fall arrest solutions are needed.
- Submit a proposal detailing requirements for a Fall Arrest system, (correcting violations, upgrading your current system or installation of a new system)
- Develop an inspection and maintenance regimen for your System that will assist your facility in becoming OSHA compliant.
- Train employees in the inspection and use of the Fall Arrest system.
- Develop a rescue plan for all areas of your System.
- Act as a liaison between you and your local authorities concerning a Fall Arrest Rescue Plan.
If you are designing a new facility, our services include:
- Working with the Architect, Consultant and/or Owner to help avoid unnecessary Fall Arrest situations.
- Designing Fall Arrest systems and rescue plans for all required areas.
- Producing Fall Arrest system specifications and drawings for bid purposes.
- Installing Fall Arrest Systems.
Here is our exclusive line of Fall Protection Equipment
for the entertainment industry:

For more information: