For over 40 years Sapsis Rigging has led the effort to promote training and safety in the entertainment industry. Our programs are designed to address the ever changing technology in rigging and stay current with new standards and regulations. We feature a flexible curriculum, tailoring the sessions specifically to the needs and requirements of the attendees.
Training sessions are led by Bill Sapsis who has conducted over 500 sessions in North America, Europe and Africa. His credentials include:
- ETCP Recognized Trainer*

- ETCP Certified, Theatre and Arena
- ETCP Council Member
- Chair, ETCP Subject Matter Experts
- Chair, TSP Rigging Working Group
- Board Member, The PLASA Foundation
- USITT Fellow
- NATEAC Executive Director Emeritus
Training Session Topics Include:
- Manual and Automated Rigging Systems - Operation, Inspection and Maintenance
- Arena Rigging - Understanding chain hoists, truss and the forces involved with using them.
- Fall Arrest Systems - Staying safe while working at height.
- Hardware - How to choose and use the right materials.
- Rope, Cable and Slings - Matching the gear to the application.
- Fittings - Keeping equipment connected safely.
Full-day and multiple day sessions are available depending on desired and required curriculum.
*Six ETCP re-certification credits are available for each day of training.