Remote Seminars Resource Links    

Equity and Inclusion Session Resources:

IATSE: Preventing Sexual & Other Harassment Powerpoint

IATSE  International Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

Stage Managers Association Council for Equity and Advocacy

Stage managers Association Full Statement

Article: Why there are fewer women in theater design roles

Caitlin Garrity’s Published Study Honor Theses: Gender Disparity of Women in Theatre Design

FaceBook: IATSE People of Color Network

FaceBook: IATSE Women’s Committee

FaceBook: Wom+n In The Entertainment Industry

Weekend of Women


TD&T Article: Racism in the Theatre

Career and Technical Education (CTE) in High School

Wisconsin CTE

EdTA and USITT Launching High School Technical Theatre Exam Pilot

AVIXA Foundation

Resources for measuring your own bias and generating healthy discussions:

The Implicit Project a tool for identifying your implicit associations about race, gender, sexual orientation, and other topics!

Solidarity Is A Verb
The Milwaukee Area Labor Counciloffers a 2 hour conversation on identifying the different ways people feel judged and discriminated against and why it’s important for us as the Labor Movement to become active Allies in the struggle for racial and economic justice.

The 2 hour session will look at how people, including you as a participant, identify themselves and how they think others see them. It will give us an opportunity to explore our own thoughts and ideas of others we see as different. We will then look at how systems are in place that benefit those who have, and make it harder for those who struggle. We will explore better ways for each of us, and our unions, to be better Allies to those who have been, and continue to be, marginalized and discriminated against, by systems and those who develop and protect them.

White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack by Peggy McIntosh

The submitter notes: A pretty quick and dirty dissection of privilege.  My Local’s EDI working group recently conducted a poll to our Local’s membership.  One of the respondents (white male 41-50) said in the comments ‘I have no white privilege.  None. Zip. Zero.’  I think that is an issue, and that this document is a pretty good tool to identify what privilege means and how invisible it can be.

Just Labor Discussion Group Community Standards

Just Labor Discussion Group Resources





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